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Логотип компании Mesopharm


€ 9.5
400 ml

Gentle cleansing product for removal of impurities and make-up. Respects the balance of the hydro-lipid layer. Doesn’t contain alcohol or soap. Doesn’t irritate the eyes, pH=7.0. Suitable for sensitive skin. Contains only hydrosoluble ingredients.
Active ingredients:
  • Special micelles complex Poloxamer 124 weakens the effect of irritating components and harmful chemical substances in cleansing products, binds and removes the smallest particles of fat.
  • Complex of polysaccharides containing rhamnose, glucose and glucuronic acid. It prevents adhesion of unwanted bacteria on the skin surface, activates inflammatory reaction in case of aggression.
Abundantly moisten a cotton pad and carefully rub the skin. Put the cotton pad onto the eyelids and eyelashes, then remove make-up, firstly from the upper eyelid, then from the lower eyelid.