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Логотип компании Mesopharm


€ 11.5
400 ml

The cleansing toner improves skin general condition and restores its natural balance: narrows the pores, decreases oiliness of the T-zone and restores water balance of the skin.

Active ingredients:
  • Complex for seborrheic skin treatment normalize sebum production: liquorice root extract, soy isoflavones, shea butter, wild yams extract, vitamins B3, B6, ceramides, azelaic acid and zinc.
  • Wild yams extract has antiseptic, calming, repairing, immunomodulating effects and prevents formation of sebaceous plugs, comedones and blackheads.
  • Azelaic acid in its turn helps to fill skin cells with oxygen and has anti-bacterial effect.
  • Betaine, urea and hyaluronic acid moisturize skin as its natural mechanism does and prevents it from inflammation.
  • Vitamin B3 restores structural and functional integrity of stratum corneum by stimulating lipid synthesis. Reduces sebum production and hyperpigmentation.
Abundantly moisten a cotton pad and apply the product to the clean skin of the face.