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Логотип компании Mesopharm

Nucleospire DNA-RNA 2%

1,3 ml
  • 2,0 ml
    2,0 ml
  • 1,3 ml
    1,3 ml

NucleoSpire DNA-RNA 2% – bioreparant with strong anti-aging effect; contains a complex of polynucleotides. This remedy helps to restore the activity of cell DNA and, as a consequence, normalizes the cycle of cell reproduction. DNA-RNA complex accelerates metabolic processes, enhances protective functions of the skin against negative effects of free radicals.

The composition of the product includes complex of purine and pyrimidine bases of AGTC (PDRN) and buffer system. The concentrations of its active ingredients are formulated in a way that the product provides rejuvenation, reparation and anti-age effects.

  • revitalization of skin, including delicate areas with thin skin (periorbital area, neck, hands)
  • before & in combination with aggressive aesthetic procedures in order to improve results
  • rehabilitation of the skin
  • reparation of photo damage and premature aging
  • brightening of  hyperpigmentation
  • strengthening of barrier properties and restoration of local immunity
  • moisturizing (may be applied to lips)
  • correction of post-acne scars

Mechanism of action: Due to effects of DNA-RNA complex on the skin the age-related degeneration of the skin is slowed down and the skin condition improved.
The combination of DNA and RNA in NucleoSpire DNA-RNA provides pronounced biorevitalizing and immunoprotective effects as a result of renewal of the cell pool and repair of pre-existing DNA structural damages in the cell. It promotes the synthesis of collagen, laminin, fibronectin, endogenous hyaluronic acid. Stabilization of cell membranes contributes to a significant decrease in sensitivity of the cell to the damaging action of chemicals and UV. This leads to normalization of melanogenesis and reduction in intensity of pre-existing pigment spots.
Due to a light gel texture this product has a significantly longer action time in tissues compared to mesotherapy analogues. As a result, it can be used once in 2-3-4 weeks (as indicated), thus reducing the number of sessions per course.
In contrast to hyaluronic acid-based biorevitalizing products, gel which is based on DNA-RNA complexes does not attract water. This provides it with a number of advantages in treatment of thin delicate skin.

Contraindications:individual intolerance to ingredients, gout.

Treatment course: 3-6 sessions at 14 day intervals.

Techniques:superficial nappage, point by point, micro papule, papule, linear retrograde, cannula.