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Логотип компании Mesopharm

Hair X DNA Peptide

2,0 ml

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The composition of the product includes hyaluronic acid (0,3%), amino-acid and peptide complex and B vitamins. The concentrations of its active ingredients are formulated in a way that the product stimulates hair growth and is effective for alopecia treatment. рН=7.0
Indications - trichology:
  • stimulation of hair growth
  • repair of damaged hair structure
  • increase of hair diameter
  • restoration of healthy luster to hair
Mechanism of action:
This enriched cocktail of biomimetic peptides, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants and HA increases the cell activity of hair follicles, stimulates division of stem cells which give rise to a new follicle. Peptides and DNA-RNA complex present in this product wake the dormant follicles up, bring a follicle back to anagen and prolong the anagen phase and thus prevent hair loss. This product is equally effective in treatment of both androgenetic and diffuse alopecia.

Recommended regimens: as a monotherapy weekly in month 1, biweekly in month 2, monthly in month 3, then bimonthly sessions for 6 months.

Techniques: nappage (superficial or medium dermis)