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Логотип компании Mesopharm

ADN Restart Peptide

2,0 ml

Attention! The design of this product packaging has been updated. Two design options are available for purchase depending on the presence in a warehouse.

The composition of the product is based on hyaluronic acid (0,8%), PDRN, amino-acid and peptide complex and B vitamins. The concentrations of its active ingredients are formulated in a way that the product provides an anti-inflammatory effect and can be used in anti-stress and anti-acne skin treatment. pH 7.0
  • Treatment of mild and moderate eruptions and acne
  • Late-onset acne
  • "Anti-stress" programs
  • Recovery after aggressive treatments
Mechanism of action:
  • An innovative product for treatment of inflammations and imperfections of the skin. It normalizes sebum production, improves skin immunity, blocks inflammation and reduces the risk of scarring.
  • Besides inherent benefits, the peptide complex enhances effects of components of ADN Restart Peptide.
  • Tetrapeptide-44 decreases the release of TNF-α, IL-6 and inhibits NO-synthase. It blocks the inflammatory cascade in the skin, helps to break the vicious circle and reduces hyperemia and swelling.
  • Nicotinol dipeptide is a peptide associated with nicotinic acid. It promotes tissue regeneration by enhancing the synthesis of epidermal lipids, inhibits scars formation, maintains angiogenesis and activates detoxification of skin cells.
  • Matrikins activate the synthesis of GAGs, collagen and tropoelastin, as well native TGF-β. These peptides restore dermal proteins degraded due to excessive sun exposure, chronic inflammation, etc. They increase cell viability, shrink pores, improve turgor and tone of the skin. Matrikins normalize collagenogenesis and therefore reduce the risk of scarring.
  • The peptide complex of carnosine and glutathione has an antioxidant activity, blocks free radicals, protects proteins from glycation, prevents cross-linking and restores functional activity of collagen.

 Recommended regimens: As a monotherapy or in combination with other products. It is recommended to start a course with capillary mesotherapy, a procedure intended for improvement of microcirculation, e.g. GAG complex DVL Capyl paravertebrally using a nappage technique.

ADN Restart Peptide intensive course: 
  • 3-4 sessions at 5-7 day intervals.
  • Then, 2-4 sessions at 10-14 day intervals.

Techniques: nappage (superficial or medium dermis), point by point, micro papule.