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Логотип компании Mesopharm


5 ml


  • troxerutin
  • ginkgo biloba
  • yohimbine
  • artichoke
  • buffer system




  • as a part of a comprehensive treatment of hydro lipodystrophy
  • as a drainage agent
  • prevention and treatment of edema
  • as a part of comprehensive programs for microcirculation improvement


Mechanism of action:

GAG Complex DVL E contains a complex of plant ingredients and a derivative of vitamin Р, troxerutin. It has drainage and capillary-protective effects.

This product promotes the activity of blood and lymphatic capillaries, tonifies a vessel wall, improves rheological properties of blood and relieves the congestion.

Yohimbine has a lipolytic effect and inhibits lipogenesis.

It is recommended for application onto body areas.

Techniques: point by point injections in affected areas at the depth of 3 to 5 mm with a distance between injection points of 6 to 12 mm

Treatment course: As a first step in treatment of hydro lipodystrophy in affected areas with 4 to 8 sessions in total at 7 day intervals.